- Personal Speech writing Coach, freelance Do you have a wedding speech, eulogy or important letter you’d like some coaching with? I can assist with the writing of this document and the delivery of it: body language, phrasing, articulation. I’m also happy to work with business presenters, pastors, lawyers, or anyone who wants to brush up on their public speaking. I charge $30.00/hr
- Creative Writing for Adults, Langara College
This is a quick and dirty intro course to playwriting, a toe dip. It’s eight evening classes and cheap as borscht. Courses are three times a year: June, September, and January, 8 classes for only 275.00, course ends with professional actors reading your scenes.
Click here for more information.
- Online Courses through Rosebud School of the Arts
I teach two courses by email through Rosebud School of the Arts, one intro and one advanced. They both end in the Budding Playwrights Festival in Rosebud: all the writers’ plays receive a staged reading for an audience. This is an in depth course, great for those in other provinces, parents, busybodies, and those who really want a good theatre work out. In the intro course, writers complete several scenes that I dramaturge one on one through email correspondence. In the advanced class we study contemporary plays and write four drafts of a full length play. This is a very reasonably priced course considering the amount of instruction the student receives. (Subject to change, check website)
For information, email Margeret (Maki) Van Dyke
Lucia Frangione is an internationally produced award winning author of over twenty five plays including: Maid for a Musket, Leave of Absence, FRESCO, Paradise Garden, Espresso, Cariboo Magi, Chickens, Holy Mo and podplay Etienne with Gateway and Neworld theatre. She has projects currently in development with The Arts Club, Prairie Theatre Exchange, and a new operetta, Off Leash, with Fugue Theatre. Lucia works as an actor across Canada and is an editor for Talon books.